Nadia Beugré | Anna Konjetzky (Abidjan | Montpellier | Munich | Athens)
The choreographers Nadia Beugré and Anna Konjetzky offer a practice exchange that offers insights into their artistic processes, allowing participants to explore and familiarize themselves with both artists' choreographic approaches through movement and discourse.
Following traditional dance training, Nadia Beugré was a founding member of Tché Tche – Béatrice Kombé’s exclusively female dance ensemble with which she toured Africa, Europe, and North America. She later turned towards contemporary dance, taking choreography lessons with Germaine Acogny in Senegal and at the Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier. She founded her own dance company Libr’Arts in 2020. She is associate artist to La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne and ICI CCN de Montpellier Occitanie. Nadia Beugré was born in Abidjan and lives and works between Montpellier and Abidjan.
Since 2005, Anna Konjetzky has been creating dance pieces and dance installations that are thematically and physically characterised by sociopolitical debate. Her works have been shown around the globe, at TEMPO_FESTIVAL Rio de Janeiro, CoFestival Ljubljana and at TANZWERKSTATT EUROPA, to name but a few instances. She develops workshop formats, discussion panels and research co-operations for the exchange with other artists. She lives and works in Munich and Athens.
With Nadia Beugré | Anna Konjetzky
No prior dance experience is necessary to participate in the Practice Sharing. Please come in comfortable clothing.
Admission is free, but prior registration is requested at:
Production & Realization
Cooperation with Playground